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Ottoman Cylinder Lamp

Ottoman cylinder lamps in Karlık Turistik were designed as table lamp models using Pyrex glass. These models have become the only pieces that will complement the decoration of especially avant-garde furniture lovers. The Ottoman cylinder lamps produced by our company by combining cylindrical pyrex glass with copper filigree and metal plastering handles are highly appreciated with the Middle Eastern style they add to the environment where they are used. For those who like to use Ottoman figures such as tulips in their decoration, it adds a harmony that will not be similar to the spaces. The walls will be illuminated by light beams in the appearance of oil lamps filtered through transparent cylinder pyrex glass, and the ambiance of your home will change with the peace of dim light. Ottoman cylinder table lamp models that we have prepared as Karlık Turistik are presented to your liking on our site. You can contact us to have Ottoman cylinder lamp (authentic lamp) models with unique alternatives.